The BPNA coordinates a national training programme for paediatric epilepsies.

is a one day course designed as an introduction to paediatric epilepsies.

is a 4 day course (2 sets of 2 day courses) designed for those involved in the outpatient  management of children with epilepsies.  This may include general paediatricians, specialist    epilepsy nurses, neurophysiologists, some SpRs...

For more information

  1. To join the waiting list for these courses email Philippa Rodie, BPNA.  

  2. To gain priority for local PET courses email Colin Dunkley

  3. To apply for financial support to attend a PET1 or PET2 course then apply to CEWT through the CEWT funding application form

DrNET module An Overview of Childhood Epilepsies  D Hawley, C Dunkley. 
Try this 2 hour online module designed to help you learn a little about the common epilepsy syndromes of childhood.